Monday, November 9, 2009

What Is Wrong With Capitalism Now?

Capitalism is stated by many believers to be a superior system. But compared to what?
Communism - for sure that failed. Michael Moore has a new documentary out that has caused a stir and he can paint a much better picture than I can. I will however point out a few key problems.

There are Ghetto's (American Shantytowns) and major poverty and every Capitalist country.

Income distribution is skewed disproportionately to the wealthiest 1%.

Employees get paid salaries that are below the poverty line.

Customers are bombarded by advertisements tyring to trick them to buy or awe them with spectacle.

The global economy is in the worst shape in 70 years. Western countries especially the US have funded growth the last 9 years with cheap credit - and rising house prices (until 2007).

Megacorporations are deemed "too big to fail" - whereby the way capitalism is supposed to work is the bankrupt companies fail. Communists propped up many unprofitable organizations with subsidies - look where it led them. Apparently they are so big - the ceo's that are compensated like kings - didn't know or even understand what the hell was going on.

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